Sunday 4 January 2009


Mise en scene
1963 Halloween
Title sequence- colours such as orange, yellow, red- these colours could signify death.
Pumpkin- traditional Halloween prop.
- it disapears when directors name appears,
draws attention to the name.
Black Background- so coulours stand out? signifys death and darkness.
"Boy" and "Girl"- Teenagers, babysitters? They look like a cuple.
Suburban area- quiet. large gardens, white houses. Not a place you would expect to find a murder.
Small boy- clowns outfit- hidden identity. Maybe with the mask it creates another character. Split personality?
Camera Angles
Zoom in of house- subjective point of view (empty vision)
Forward tracking- become more involed, you can see things through their eyes.
Pans on a vertical axis, looking in the window, pans right to left.
Camera tilts from the floor to the top of the house- seeing it through the characters eyes. Almost as if you are their eyes.
Close up of knife- signifying its danger.
Hand held when in the house- sense of uneasiness, still doesnt reveal identity.
Throughout the sequence the camera is at an adult height, certain things are blurred such as his arm n hands, - makes people beleive it is an adult.
In fact it is a small boy- medium close up of him at the end, which than pans out using a crane shot.
Editing/ Sound
Incidental music during the titles- piano, builds up and gets louder as the camera zooms in on the pumpkin- builds tension.
Diegetic sound- children singing- reflects innocence? something the murderer doesn't have. He isn't like other children.
Piercing sounds- out of tune- could reflect his state of mind ( non diegetic sound)
Clock- diegetic sound, could suggest her time is up.
Seamless editing- fluid. not noticable.
Blurred when the boy reaches for the knife- reflecting his state of mind, he may not understand what he is doing? Also could be a way into fooling the audience into thinking it is an adult.
Cuts when perspective is changed.
Cuts to the top of the house - Wolf noise- reinforcing the time of year, Halloween.

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