Friday 12 December 2008

Summary of Questionnaire

Suprisingly i found that 75% of the girls i asked said there favourite genre was Horror or Thriller, while 25% said Romantic Comedy. The boy's answers shown that 90% chose Horror an thriller, however there was an anomalie with one of the boys picking Romantic comedy as there favourite genre. All the people who chose romantic comedy all said they liked it because of there happy endings, other reasons included the boy, girl senarios, its light heartedness and the funny characters they invole.
The majority of people who chose the thriller genre as there favourite, said it was there favourite because of its unexpected twists and turns in the storyline. Other answers included the intense atomosphere and the suspense it creates. With this taken into consideration, i may decide to do a thriller for my open sequence.
I also found that people enjoy watching horror films because of the new characters they invole, as well known actors aren't usually used, other answers included the gore and death you usually find in horror films.
Question 5 was interesting as "The Omen," was said several times. This suggests that people maybe enjoy more realistic and partly true storylines. When making my title sequence i will take this into consideration and carefully think about a storyline that could relate to other people. The film "Saw" also came up a few times, implying people like to see gore and death.
In question 6 the film "se7en" was said many times, maybe suggesting that people like crime scene films, it also has a good storyline with a great twist at the end. Evidently people like this. Red Dragon was also mentioned a couple of times, which is interesting because that also has a crime scene setting, with similar characters. For example the police inspectors.
Question 7 was quiet hard to anaylse as no one film was favoured, however "For wedding and a funeral," was said, along with, "About a Boy," and, "Love actually," who all star Hugh Grant in, suggesting that maybe romantic comedies rely on the actors who play in them.
When asked, "What makes you want to go see a film?" 70% of people chose the option of the storyline, suggesting people need to be interested in what there watching. Other answers included, Actors suggesting that the more high profile the actor is the more likely the film will be a success.
In question 9, 90% of people said they liked a twist at the end of the movie, implying they like the shock factor in a movie. 10% said they liked a happy ending, this maybe would be the people who picked Romantic comedy as there favourite genre.
Finally the last question told me that 40% of people watch 4-8 films a month, 40% of people watched 10+ films a month and 20% of people watched 2-4 films a month. This could suggest that poeple now have more leisure time and are more able to have the time to sit and watch films.

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