Monday 16 March 2009

Evaluation Podcast

Our evaluation Podcasts were uploaded to youtube, then we embeded them from there on to our blogs. We were asked seven consecutive quiestions, in which we has a few days to prepare for. I did several drafts in order to try and memorise my answers, so i wouldnt need 2 keep reffering to my draft throughout recording. Unfortunatly i feel my nerves got the better off me and i refered back to my draft more times then i planned to. However i found that condensing my draft and just using certain key words really helped me, as each word stemed to something i could talk about.
I think most the questions went well and were very relavant to what we had been doing. The second question, "How does your media product represent particular social groups?" i found the most difficult to answer. As my production didn't really incorporate much representation or many stereotypical tendancies in society, (there isnt many schizophrenic teenagers who kill there families.) I decided to concentrate more on the clothes she was wearing and the surroundings such as the working class area. Question 3 was also quiet challenging, as my original idea was the go with an independent institution but couldnt find any that i thought would distribute a thriller, some i found i didnt feel was well known enough fpr the examiner to distinguish therfore i chose a Film 4, a well known production company.
If i had the chance to do it again, i would incorporate it with more detail and wouldnt rush it as much as i did. I also think recording yourself before hand would help as you would be able to see what your like on camera and correct any negative points before the actual podcast.

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