Thursday 2 April 2009

Peer Assessment

Student Name/s:

Production title:

1. How would you rate the production in terms of the following codes and conventions of horror/ thriller/ romantic comedy?

Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor

2. On the evidence you have seen, how well planned was the production?

Excellent 1 2 3 4 5 Poor

3. Would you say the production showed evidence of:

No imagination Little Imagination

Some Imagination High Imagination and Creative flair

4. The following refers to the technical aspect of the piece. Please rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1 being excellent, 5 being poor)

a) Shot composition 1 2 3 4 5

b) Mise-en-scene 1 2 3 4 5

c) Editing 1 2 3 4 5

d) Sound and music 1 2 3 4 5

e) Use of Titles 1 2 3 4 5

5. How could the production be improved? Please make all your comments constructive and as specific as possible.

Above is the questionnaire we constructed. We each had a questionnaire for each production, answered it and gave it back to the owner of the production.
Overall i feel i got a good reaction. People thought the soundtrack was really appropriate and complented my prodution nicely. Others thought that the acting was very good, in fact i think if i didnt have a decent actor the piece wouldn't have worked at all. On the other hand many people thought my production was in need of much more "scarier" titles, in which i agree with. Others also thought that it was to short.
While 70% thought it had a high imagination and creative flair, 30% thought it only had some imagination. 60% thought that i followed the codes and conventions of the thriller excellently, while 30% thought is was "good" and 10% thought it was average. In terms of how well planned my peers thought my production was 60% thought it was "excellent" and 40% thought it was "good". In terms of the technical aspects of the piece 70% thought my shot composition was excellent leaving 30% thinking it was good. With mise-en-scene 40% thought it was excellent, while 50% thought it was good and 10% thought it was average. In terms of editing, 90% thought it was excellent while 10% thought it was good. Sound and Music showed that 70% thought it was excellent while 30% thought it was good. The use of my titles showed me that 70% thought they were good, whereas 30% thought they were excellent.

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