Wednesday 10 December 2008

Bridget Jones

Mise en scene
New Years Day
Props- Black cab- suggests britishness
Snow- Sterotypical weather in England, reinforces the time of year.
Middle Class- posh accents, big house, nuclear family
Mr Darcy- wearing a jumper he got for christmas- mommy's boy?

Titles- white, looks handwritten, diary?- makes it more personal

Diary-Personal, represents her lonliness, relects a day dreamer state. Could be a way of controlling her life.
English humour- quiet dry, to the point. Mum tries to fix Bridget up.
Bridget lives in london- well known city therefore can relate to other countries.

Interestingly this film was co- written by Richard Curtis the same person who wrote Four weddings and a funeral, who also stars Hugh Grant.

Camera Angles/Shots
Medium close up- panning as she walks to the house- introduces the character.
Shot Reverse Shot- between Bridget and her Mother, it shows the relationship thay have with eachother, very traditional, her Mother was expecting to see her. The shot shows the reactions from one another as the other one talks.
Close up of Bridgets "uncle" gropping her bum- humourous?

Close up of riendeer on Mr Darcys top- reinforcing the time of year (christmas). Could also refer to him being close to his mum, like Bridget.

Shot- reverse shot between Bridget and Mr Darcy- establishes there relationship, Mr Darcy doesnt understand Bridgets sense of humour. Not compatible?

Zoom in of Mr Darcy and his mother having a conversation about Bridget. Bridget stands in the middle of the two but further behind, the camera gradually zooms in on her- shows her reaction to what they have said- disappointment? loses any self confidence she may have had?
Panning up of her flat in London- usually for single people

Low angle shot when she checks her phone messages- importance of her phone messages

medium close up when she starts singing- she is in the centre of the shot, draw attention to Brdget and what shes doing- humourous?, lovable?, relatable?

Long shot of Bridget dancing- humourous

Zoom in of weighing scales, pants and diary- relates to women.

Backward tracking - Introducing Hugh Grants character coming from the lift, he is confident, young, good looking.

Dialogue from Bridget- throughout the film explaining her thoughts and opinions, like a diary?

Festive music at her mums (Diagetic sound)- sign of a party, reinforces the season.

Slow motion on Mr darcy when he is first introduced, harp music is also played - Gives it a dream- like, romantic effect, he is seen in the eyes of Bridget ( subjective point of view)

Incidental music begins but turns diagetic as it fades to her house- "All by myself"- very loud, the music is the main focus in this scene, without it it wouldn't work. However her answer machine is even louder- signify she is lonely and has no friends, relates to the song.

Cuts slowly to Bridget starting a diary.

Incidental music- when Hugh Grant is introduced.

Bridget singing on the karoke- diagetic sound.

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